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“Unfortunately, when it comes to the

issue of non-payment, construction’s

large-scale problems are very much

prevalent,” he says.

“Thousands of subcontractors have

been forced into insolvency due to the

‘domino effect’ of bad debt down the

line when building and construction

companies fail to pay. By the end of

2021, employment in the construction

industry is projected to fall by

approximately 3.6%, and the fear is that

the current climate is only exacerbating


Nelson says that coupled with

the challenge of properly and fairly

allocating risk, the construction

sector, which is already one of the most

heavily litigated sectors, is likely to

see an increase in principals turning

to onerous provisions in construction

contracts to ‘prevent’ delay.

“The result will be many projects

likely to overrun, which may trigger

contractual defaults at all levels of

the contracting chain, adding pain to

already squeezed bottom lines and

working capital reserves,” he says.

The point to five specific challenges

facing the construction sector:

1. inflation, particularly following the

rise in prices of raw materials due to a

lack of supply;

2. labour shortages and unskilled labour

as a result of lockdowns and closed


3. finance and cash-flow;

4. contractors and subcontractors

entering into contracts without proper

consideration of risk allocation; and

5. contractors and subcontractors

entering into unfair/one-sided

contracts in order to start a business

relationship, which can result in

potential legal proceedings.

The warning signs

In an environment of multiple and

potentially diversified projects, spotting

the signs that a construction company

is struggling may not always be


“Monitoring project performance

from tender to hand-over is essential

in a time where many factors that are

outside of a business’s control can

impact a project’s financial success,”

Andrew adds.

Some warning signs to look out for


any slowdown or delays in projects or

deadlines that have lapsed;

delays in payments to subcontractors

or others in the

supply chain;


refusing to go on-


lack of contractor

education and

legal advice –

contractors and

subcontractors to

readily accepting

onerous terms.

“These signs

indicate a company

is struggling with

its cash-flow and

it’s important to

recognise them and take early action,”

Andrew explains.

“While the ATO has taken a

compassionate approach to its debt

collection efforts during the past 19

months, that won’t be the case forever.

In fact, the ATO is already starting to

send letters to businesses that are

behind in their tax.”

In circumstances where accrued

liabilities, such as tax debt, are

becoming apparent on a company’s

balance sheet, further questions around

project profitability

and pipeline

forecasts are the next

investigative step.

“Often we see

companies in this

industry fall behind

due to one or two

projects that overrun

on costs and/or

timing, with the

losses eroding all

working capital and

creating a proverbial

‘rob Peter to pay Paul’

scenario,” Andrew


“Identifying a

potential problem early expands the

options available for the business,

ensuring that any financial contagion

does not spread further than


The construction sector is likely to see an increase in principals turning to

onerous provisions in construction contracts to ‘prevent’ delay.

“Identifying a

potential problem

early expands the

options available

for the business,

ensuring that any

financial contagion

does not spread

further than
