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Have you spent time finding out what

your team members value most? Don’t

assume you know what they consider

good perks. Ask them and find out

what they really want. They’ll give you

powerful incentive ideas for now and

later on.

Show them how going the extra mile

will help you help them achieve that

goal. One business owner I work with

goes out of his way to help out his staff.

In their first few months, he finds a way

to contribute to their personal lives.

This could be setting them up with a

mortgage advisor if they’re looking for

a house, or they get to leave an hour

early to coach their kid’s sports team on


The point is, it’s what matters to



Is your incentive program

breeding entitlement?

Entitlement. It’s the last thing

you want in a staff member. So how do

we stop it creeping in from incentives?

You might do this already – keep them

random. Shout your guys the odd coffee

here and there. Give them a gift card to

the local tool supplier when a curveball

meant they really had to dig in to get a

job done on time, and they knocked it

out of the park.

At the risk of stating the obvious

– the key lies in the inconsistency.

They’re informal gestures that say, “we

appreciate your effort”. Keeping them

unexpected is what keeps entitlement

at bay. If staff don’t know they’re

coming, then expectations don’t grow.

That said… random incentives are a

move, not a game plan. They’re valuable,

particularly if you sense entitlement

brewing. But they’re best placed as the

cherry on the incentive cake – not as the

cake itself.  


How often do

you ask your

team members

for their number?

You’ve asked each staff

member what they prefer

as an incentive. Extend

the buy-in. Ask them to

come up with their own

performance goals. 

Go through this process together.

Agree on something, then catch up

regularly to help them stay on track.

This doesn’t have to be long (ten

minutes weekly should do it), but

consistency is key. 

For example, if your apprentice

wants to work on turning up on time

or improving their attitude, and you

agree, hold them accountable to these

performance goals by grading them out

of ten at the end of each week.

Do this with each of your team so

everyone has something they’re aiming

for. This way they

don’t get bored, as

studies show being

bored in their current

role is the biggest

reason people look for

a new one.

Keep your team

challenged by

giving everyone a

number that they’re

accountable to. The

best sports teams

are great at this. The

players hold each

other accountable, not the coach. When

everyone has their number, your guys

will help each other out too. 


How big are you on the

little things?

Incentives are great. But they’re

not your only tool to building a team

that loves working for you.

Recognition is powerful (and

definitely a lot easier). Research shows

that 63% of staff who feel recognised

are highly unlikely to look for a new job. 

On the flip side – a lack of recognition

is why 44% of employees change jobs. 

One tradie I worked with had an

admin person who was on a bit of a

performance roller coaster. She

wasn’t quite giving the boss

what he needed. Productivity

fell, especially when she was at

home during the holidays. Deliverables

weren’t meeting deadlines or required


Tough conversations weren’t working.

Turns out she finds it hard if she’s not

encouraged. Once he said things like

“thanks for your work on that project – I

couldn’t have done it without you” there

was a huge change. She was diligent

again and a lot easier to work with.

So, what drove this change? Not a lot,

actually. Just her boss made her feel

appreciated by acknowledging what

was true – he couldn’t have done that

task without her.

Sometimes we can

overlook the power of

recognising the value

of what our team does

every day.

This recognition

doesn’t have to only

come from you. Put

praise from customers

in your group chat.

This will make your

team feel great about

the work they’ve done.

Recognition of a job

well done can be one of the best returns

on investment in your business. How

often do you say thank you?

So, what’s the ultimate key to

staff retention?

You’ve got to pay your staff well, but

more money isn’t always the answer. 

Instead, find out what truly matters

to them and reward them in that way.

Even better, attach it to their long-term

professional growth. 

Make it personal. Cookie cutter

bonuses and incentives can be helpful,

but they only go so far.  

Align staff incentives with your

business goals. This gets everyone on

the same page and your business ends

up running with the fluency of a Formula

1 pit crew. Well, maybe not quite. But you

get the idea.

Recognition of a job

well done can be one

of the best returns

on investment in

your business. How

often do you say

thank you?

Business coach

and creator

of Next Level

Tradie Daniel


Need some help to get your team

performing at the highest level?

Book a free strategy chat with me at

Next Level Tradie (nextleveltradie.