SPRING 2015 49
More experimental research is required to accurately
evaluate the capacity of conventional roof drainage systems
and to investigate how it might change in the future due
to expected increases in rainfall intensities resulting from
climate change. This is where the vision of Mark Alexander
of the AHSCA became integral to the research project taking
Sure, the AHSCA could have gone about the research
themselves; however, it was important to them, and their
members that project outcomes were both scientifically
robust and have practical application. Effectively, the
research aims to better the entire industry’s knowledge in
the area of roof drainage. As a result of this, its members
raised some $300,000 to aid the project.
So, you might be wondering who has the role of
conducting all of this research.
Well, as part of the collaboration between the AHSCA and
USC, an opening for a PhD scholarship has been created.
The research project includes detailed desktop studies
and full-scale physical modelling, including comprehensive
analysis and reporting of research results, writing
interim industry progress reports, liaison with industry
representatives when required, and contribution to the
design processes required for new product development.
The project also involves a significant amount of
hands-on construction and fabrication activities such as
optimising gutter width sizes, gutter slopes, connecting
and disconnecting downpipes, installing gutter outlets
in the base of gutters, connection and operation of flow
monitoring equipment and devices and similar manual and
physically-demanding activities.
The testing rig will be designed to accommodate the
array of gutter, downpipe and overflow configurations to be
investigated as part of this research study. The research
will focus on identifying the system configurations with the
greatest practical applicability.
The testing rig and pumps will be fed via water collected via
custom built water tanks.
SW287 06/15
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