Understanding COVID-19 exposure for professional plumbers
As of 11 March 2020, World Plumbing Day, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has classified the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak as a pandemic as it has spread ... -
Protecting water assets
When there are construction works at a site, there’s always a risk that anyone can damage water, sewer and stormwater assets. When they are damaged, concrete ... -
Bernie Banton Foundation to close as Karen Banton retires
Karen Banton, asbestos-related disease campaigner and widow of Bernie Banton, has announced that she is retiring from her role as chief executive of the Bernie Banton ... -
Study finds that UV exposure is the most common carcinogen in construction
SafeWork Australia has released a report measuring carcinogen exposure in the workplace and has found that ultraviolet (UV) radiation is the most common carcinogen construction workers ... -
In up to your eyes
Australians suffer around 50,000 eye injuries every year even though many of them were wearing eye protection at the time of their injury. Safety eyewear is ... -
Guide to hard hat accessories
If a hard hat is necessary in your line of work, your accessories could be putting you at risk of an injury by reducing the effectiveness ... -
Cash boost to prevent injuries in the construction industry
Following the launch of the icare Foundation’s Injury Prevention in Construction (IPIC) fund, a $3 million funding pool is available to individuals, organisations and consortia with ... -
A call to prioritise safety over speed
Paralympic weightlifting champion Kahi Puru, lost his leg in a workplace accident in 1993. He recently shared his story with more than 50 civil contractors at ... -
Drug testing methods revised
In order to increase safety and reliability, a revised standard guiding the detection of drugs in oral fluids has been developed. It aims to improve onsite ... -
Warning after water heater explosion
The Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland (MPAQ) is appealing to people not to attempt hot water system repairs without a licensed plumber, following the reported explosion ...