Want to Be a Building or Plumbing ABCB Cadet?
The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) now welcomes applications for our 2022 Cadetship Program. A cadetship with the ABCB will offer you a truly unique insight ... -
Apprentices face high risk of drop out at end of JobSeeker, JobKeeper
The Apprenticeship Employment Network (AEN) wants apprentices who have lost their jobs to sign up to the Retrenched Apprentices and Trainees Program (RATP) so they can ... -
Master Builders: Apprentice wage subsidy extension an economic boost
Master Builders Australia has celebrated the Federal Government’s 50% apprentice and trainee wage subsidy, saying it will create new job opportunities in the industry and lead ... -
RHEEM Offers $30k in Grants to Apprentices
Rheem Australia is encouraging Australian apprentice plumbers and gas fitters to apply for a share of the $30,000 in grants available from the 2021 Rheem Apprentice ... -
Sydney’s most job-ready apprentices are ready to work
Training and apprentice hire group Productivity Force and its business partner Productivity Bootcamp have graduated 18 pre-apprentices from its new Sydney training facility in Campbelltown. Productivity ... -
Naval Group opens largest apprenticeship call as rapid jobs ramp up continues
Naval Group Australia has made its largest apprenticeship call, expecting to see at least 13 new apprentices commence work in early 2021 which follows the successful ... -
JobTrainer package will keep apprentices in jobs and new opportunities
The $2 billion JobTrainer package announced by the federal government aims to keep young women and men in the building and construction industry working and give ... -
Massive win for apprentice jobs
The industry has come together to secure a $20 million upgrade towards a training centre to be built by apprentices for apprentices. This was announced in ... -
Apprentice plumbers have 30,000 reasons to smile
Rheem Australia has awarded a total of $30,000 to the ten deserving recipients of the 2020 Rheem Apprentice Plumber Grants, as Aussie apprentices feel the pinch ... -
True Blue Indigenous tech gives all youth a leg up with building, safety and security leaders
Warrgambi, a company dedicated to Indigenous and all-Australian youth advancement through providing excellence and training in technologies relevant to architecture, construction, security and safety is expanding ...