Seiger Design
As well as designing plumbing products for bathrooms, Sieger Design also offer industrial design services, architecture and design management, graphic design, public relations (PR) and marketing. -
Designer bathrooms that save water
From where do industrial designers draw their influences? WPI talks to one of Europe's leading bathroom product design studios. -
US shower product
The Delta Faucet Company in Indianapolis has launched a water-efficient shower head that is aimed at the hospitality industry but can be used by anyone who ... -
Australian shower research
In Australia, the labelling of certain products for their water efficiency is mandatory under the Water Efficiency Labelling Standards (WELS) legislation. The basis of the legislation ... -
The Hippo Water Roller
Millions of people worldwide have to walk long distances every day to collect water, usually carrying a 20L bucket on their head. -
Constructing Beijing’s olympic pool
In preparation for the Olympic Games, a massive blue 'plastic clad' cube, which resembles a giant block of soapy bubbles, is under construction in Beijing. -
Toilet to tap technology
How do you get populations to accept that they will be drinking water that was once someone else’s sewerage – even when that water is now ... -
Water saving at Melbourne Zoo, naturally
A new water recycling plant employing reverse osmosis has made an Australian environmental reserve environmentally-friendly. -
Andy Watts retires from WPC
At the Calgary Conference, Andy Watts stepped down as Secretary of the World Plumbing Council after 12 years in that post. In this brief interview, ...