Don’t Put Up with Heat-Related Illness
With predictions for a scorching summer on the horizon, SafeWork NSW is urging workers and businesses to start planning for how they will stay safe. Employers ... -
Hoodie Sales Raise $0.5m for Tradie Suicide Prevention
In just a few hours, the Bunnings Trade x MATES in Construction hoodies flew off the shelves recently across the nation, contributing to a staggering $500,000 ... -
November Is National Asbestos Awareness Month
November is National Asbestos Awareness Month, and Friday 29 November is Asbestos Awareness Day 2023. As Australia continues to face the significant health risks of asbestos-related ... -
Upward Trend in Failure to Report Serious Incidents
SafeWork NSW is warning businesses they will face fines and potential prosecution if they fail to report incidents after the workplace regulator this year issued 140 compliance notices and over $55,000 in ... -
Gas Safety Alert for Restaurant Tabletop Cooking
Diners and restaurant owners are reminded that portable gas appliances powered by butane canisters cannot be used for commercial purposes, such as tabletop cooking experiences. WA’s ... -
Carbon Monoxide Causes Fatality in Victoria
Energy Safe Victoria is reminding the community never to use outdoor gas appliances indoors, after the Coroners Court of Victoria confirmed carbon monoxide poisoning as the ... -
Tradie Counselling Service TIACS Celebrates 3rd Anniversary
Australia’s leading industry-funded mental health counselling service for tradies, truckies, rural and blue-collar workers, TIACS (This Is A Conversation Starter) turned three years old recently. “TIACS ... -
Check Rinnai Energysaver for carbon monoxide risk
Energy Safe Victoria is calling on those using Rinnai Energysaver heaters with combined horizontal/vertical on-wall flue systems to contact the supplier to ensure they are not ... -
Calls intensify for ban on lethal engineered stone
Unions, along with medical professionals and health and safety experts, have amplified their call for a full ban on all engineered stone products that contain deadly ... -
Blitz highlights safety issues on both sides of the border
WorkSafe Victoria and SafeWork NSW visited 59 construction sites in Albury and Wodonga from 28-30 March as part of a joint operation to boost workplace safety. ...