Codes, Standards & Regulations
ESO to audit plumbers carrying out electrical work
Plumbers carrying out restricted electrical work as part of their business will be subject to audits from the Electrical Safety Office. The audit applies to plumbers ... -
Lysaght release product compliance documentation
A series of documents detailing how Lysaghts products comply with the National Construction Code (NCC) has been released. Known as ‘National Construction Code of Australia Compliance ... -
Have your say on Standards
Standards Australia is starting a consultation process to examine the ways in which is distributes content. Following an arbitration win supporting Standards Australia’s position that future ... -
A step in the right direction
According to former Chair of Subcontractors WA and founder of award-winning payments platform ProjectPAY Louise Stewart, changes to the WA Bill to better protect subcontractors is ... -
Standards Australia has new distributor
The reach of Standards Australia has been given a boost by its participation in a distribution agreement with Techstreet. The Clarivate Analytics company will become an ... -
Rediwall system achieves CodeMark certification.
The Rediwall system from AFS Systems has now achieved CodeMark certification. With its logicwall system already having previously achieved CodeMark Certification, this reinforces that both AFS ... -
Drug testing methods revised
In order to increase safety and reliability, a revised standard guiding the detection of drugs in oral fluids has been developed. It aims to improve onsite ... -
$1.2 million fine for distributing pump that electrocuted woman
A business director has been fined $1.2 million for failing to ensure a product he imported and sold adhered to electrical safety laws. Two years ago, ... -
Demo burn shows life-saving value of fire sprinklers
To demonstrate the life-saving value of automatic fire sprinklers in Australian homes, two full-scale living room replicas will be set on fire in Sydney later this month. ... -
Plumbing standards crucial after legionella scare
Adelaide bathrooms may be privy to legionella, a potentially deadly bacteria. Flinders University in Adelaide has discovered that one in four homes tested positively to harbouring ...