2022 Build Aware Campaign Heads to Latrobe Valley
Four Victorian regulators will take their Build Aware campaign to the Latrobe Valley next week, ensuring construction workers are meeting safety, environmental, building and plumbing compliance ... -
Product Recall: Greengear LPG Generator
An Australia-wide Gas Safety product recall has been issued for the Greengear LPG Generator. IDENTIFICATION: This recall applies to the following three models: Greengear LPG Generator ... -
New Construction Show, Dig Deep, Will Raise Funds for Mental Health
Victoria’s newest machinery and construction show, Dig Deep, is raising funds and awareness for mental health in the construction industry with all profits going to ... -
Plumber Fined for Breaking Rules
The Victorian Building Authority (VBA) has penalised a plumber over $9000 for breaches of the Building Act 1993, including for failure to have pipework inspected, increasing ... -
Perth Tribunal Hits the Roof
The WA State Administrative Tribunal (SAT) has fined Perth builder Ben Trager Homes Pty Ltd $15,000 and reprimanded its nominated supervisor Ben Trager for not properly ... -
Look for the WaterMark on Plumbing Products
Victorians looking to purchase a plumbing product for a licensed or registered plumber to install should look for the WaterMark trademark, before splashing the cash. The ... -
PVC AUS 2022: ‘Shared Horizons’ Towards Vinyl Sustainability
Collaboration towards a circular economy for PVC, the journey towards net zero carbon and safe and sustainable additives will be among key topics discussed by a ... -
Service Open-Flued Gas Space Heaters Every 2 Years
Energy Safe Victoria (ESV), the Victorian Building Authority (VBA) and the Department of Health are urging Victorians to be aware of the potentially fatal threat of ... -
EOFY 2022 tax tips and advice for tradies
Nobody likes completing a tax return but you have to do it, so you might as well get yourself the best possible outcome by claiming everything ... -
PVC Recycling Scheme a Focus for World Earth Day Celebrations
As countries across the world came together on Friday 22 April to celebrate World Earth Day, the Queensland construction industry united to raise awareness of how ...