Codes, Standards & Regulations
AS/NZS 3500 Series update
Standards Australia is the nation’s peak non-government standards organisation with a long lasting commitment to the development of Standards in the Water and Waste Services sector. ... -
Australian manufacturer of pre-fabricated bathroom pods offers WaterMark certification on all products
The popularity of pre-fabricated bathroom pods is on the rise in multi-residential and commercial applications. And while offshore-built pods have caused concern within the industry, one ... -
Participation, Practices, Products and Protection: The four pillars of plumbing
The World Plumbing Day event at PICAC has become a key date for the Victorian plumbing industry to come together and celebrate plumbing’s contribution to society. ... -
WaterMark Point of Sale discussion paper released
By Jeff Patchell. The ABCB has released a 28-page discussion paper that outlines the pros and cons for change in regards to regulation being aligned with ... -
Rules, what rules? Amazon puts itself above Australian law
Amazon Australia appears to be off to a rocky start with the Australian plumbing sector and the law of our land. Sure, it might have sales ... -
HIA releases Renovations Roundup report
HIA has released its December 2017 edition of the HIA Renovations Roundup report, which is a regular review of Australia’s $33bn home renovations market. The report also includes ... -
Prove Standards and Engineering open day
On Thursday 7 December Prove Standards and Engineering held an open day at its Campbellfield laboratory to launch its new large meter test rig. The new ... -
Standards Australia submit new proposal on water efficiency
Standards Australia has submitted a proposal for a new international Standard on water efficiency labelling with help from Singapore, Malaysia, China and New Zealand. The proposed ... -
Plumbing sector lobs on Parliament’s door
Plumbing advocacy at the Federal and State level is undertaken with the enormous efforts of relative few but is done to ensure that there is a ... -
Industrial manslaughter laws introduced
Brand new laws involving industrial manslaughter have been passed by State Parliament and are aimed at protecting Queensland workers. Industrial Relations Minister Grace Grace says the ...