29th Annual Bendigo Master Plumbers Charity Golf Day
It’s that time of year again where all of the ‘Golfing Bush Rangers’ begin to think about saddling up their horses and get ready to head to Bendigo, for the 29th Annual Bendigo Master Plumbers Charity Golf Day.
The event organisers are hoping to raise in excess of $20,000.00 for Camp Quality kids cancer fund.
If achieved, organisers will have raised in excess of $330,000.00 for the cause over the course of 29 years.
So, clean the cob webs off the golf sticks, feed the horse another bail of hay, for all the bush rangers, and loosen up the purse strings, so you too can help out unfortunate kids who are unlucky enough to have been diagnosed with cancer.
Camp Quality is committed to creating a better life for kids living with cancer and do an amazing job for them and their families, so get behind this great day!
Entry is only $45 per player and includes a BBQ brunch and afternoon tea.
For further info please contact the Bendigo Plumbers Charity Golf Day Committee:
Geoff Moroney – 0418 682 628 | Phil Kelly – 0457 578 000 | Brett Crapper – 0418 510 377
Complete and return the booking form (Golf Day_Flyer 2019) by 20 September 2019 to secure your place.
Limited to the first 120 fully paid players.