What the handle colours mean in plumbing
Each product in plumbing is formed around standards and codes so all products are made to serve unique purposes. This is the difference between red and green handles on gate and ball valves, where they are used, how they work and key points from AS 3500 Watermark Certification.
Red-handled valves have a general purpose and are found in a variety of settings. They are for general industrial applications such as HVAC systems, manufacturing plants and agricultural plumbing installations where there is less regulation and potable water is not required.
Green-handled valves are used in demanding applications that are heavily regulated, and safety, reliability and control are instrumental. These are used in homes, hospitals, water treatment facilities or where potable water is required.
Watermark products must be AS 3500 certified and align with four benchmarks.
Watermark products have approval marks that indicate compliance with AS 3500 and its standards to make sure they meet safety and performance criteria. The valves need to be approved for specific applications such as potable water systems and environmental controls, so they are all suitable for the intended use.
The valves need to be manufactured from materials that meet durability and safety requirements so leaks, corrosion and contamination are prevented. They also need to be designed for reliable flow control and leak prevention so the system maintains its integrity over time.
Gate valves operate by lifting a gate in and out of the fluid flow path to allow the fluid to flow when raised while completely stopping flow when lowered.
Ball valves operate by rotating the perforated ball to control the flow by aligning or misaligning the ball with the flow path of the fluid. This allows full flow when it is aligned to completely stop the flow when rotated out of alignment.