Plumbing Education to Employment Programme (PEEP)
As a result, anybody picking up a wrench can become a plumber with impunity. Such a casual approach inevitably leads to casualties with unqualified plumbers learning through trial and error, at the cost of their customers. At the same time, there are insufficient checks and balances to prevent anybody becoming a self-certified plumber.
Amidst this dangerous scenario, and to address the need for a structured plumbing education in the country, the Indian Plumbing Association (IPA) with the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) and the education & training arm of Indian Institute of Plumbing (IIP) have joined to provide plumbing education and training on pan-India basis.
The goal of this ambitious nation-wide Plumbing Education to Employment Programme (PEEP) is to prepare multiple levels of professional groups in India to read, understand, interpret, engage and apply the provisions of the Uniform Plumbing Code – India to installations and the continued maintenance of plumbing systems.
This goal obviously can be successfully met only through partnerships with established educational institutions throughout India. In view of this, IPA has launched a nationwide dialogue with the Indian Universities, Colleges and Vocational training institutes to forge alliances and launch PEEP over the length and breadth of India. Mr. Allen Inlow, Senior Director of IAPMO Group – USA, visited some of the major cities of India – Bangalore, Chennai, Kochi, Hyderabad, Jaipur, New Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Pune, Ahmedabad and Coimbatore to make presentation and talk with the academicians from the respective regions.
The PEEP programme has been very well received and IPA and IAPMO are all set to launch it from 2009.