Pipeline Corrosion Management
Oil, gas and utility companies, along with governments, have invested billions of dollars over many years in laying hundreds of thousands of kilometres of pipelines in nearly every country of the world. All pipelines, whether buried or on the surface, are exposed to a range of physical, climatic and chemical environments that can cause corrosion. Corrosion is often worse in harsh environments, especially coastal, tropical or desert, where high salt levels or extreme temperatures can accelerate the rate of decay.
Whether the pipelines transport oil, gas, water, sewage, or other utilities, owners of these high-value assets must understand the cost implications of ignoring the effects of corrosion. There are many advantages of planning for corrosion control and mitigation, two of which are that the life of an asset can be extended and the maintenance time and costs can be reduced.
As part of its regular technical program, the Australasian Corrosion Association (ACA) is co-hosting a one-day technical event on pipeline corrosion in Brisbane on 23 July 2015 with the Australian Pipelines & Gas Association (APGA). The seminar will discuss the challenges and solutions for preventing corrosion in the pipelines that form some of the most vital public and private infrastructure. It has been designed for all industry sectors involved with Pipeline Asset Management including asset owners, project and integrity engineers, operators, inspection and maintenance personnel, contractors, and suppliers.
Sessions will focus on technologies such as materials selection, coatings and cathodic protection used to attain the desired design life of assets. Speakers will share their experiences by reviewing specific project case studies. Participants will have the opportunity to share their own case studies, work experiences, best practices, engineering guidelines and failure analysis in a technical exchange open forum, aiming to look at new technologies and methodologies to fill the gaps in these industries.
Bookings can be made via the AGPA website: