Remote water alerts
Based in Germany, Hydrometer manufactures about two million water and heat meters a year, including single and multi-jet meters and bulk and domestic water meters. -
Appliance labels deliver savings in the home
Several countries have introduced or are considering water-efficiency labeling for products as a cost-effective way of influencing purchasing decisions and changing consumers’ water usage patterns. -
Bathroom monitoring systems
Concern about the environment has led to developments in integrated control systems for energy and water use, especially in big buildings and facilities. -
EZiDIG buries the risk of down time
Traditionally, hand held pipe and cable locators have been used to scan an area before excavation begins, but as the underground becomes more congested, and above ... -
Dry Drains Forum 2009: Post-forum review
The inaugural Dry Drains Forum took place in Germany on March 11, 2009 at the Messe Frankfurt Congress Center (room spektrum). -
India trials new train toilet
A new toilet system developed in India has the potential to reduce fresh water use and improve national sanitation levels. -
Toilet revolution in Beijing neighbourhood
Beijing’s fascinating Hutong neighborhoods may be historic, but the plumbing is being thoroughly modernized as the Chinese city races towards the Olympics. -
Waste heat recycling
A new heat-recovery technology being developed to capture low-grade heat in wastewater shows commercial promise. -
WPC member organisation, the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) has opened a new office in Bangalore, India. -
ISH Frankfurt exhibition 2009
Water and energy will be the two main themes of ISH Frankfurt in 2009.