WPC meets in Frankfurt
Representatives from nine countries attended a meeting in March of the World Plumbing Council, held in association with the ISH trade fair in Frankfurt, Germany. -
India introduces plumber training program
The lack of plumbing infrastructure and a trained, certified workforce has long plagued the citizens of India, for whom 7.5% of deaths each year can be ... -
WPC to launch world plumbing day
At its March meeting in Frankfurt the World Plumbing Council agreed to establish a World Plumbing Day as a means of raising awareness of the important ... -
Is swine flu a sanitary problem?
Before we look at what the World Health Organisation have to say about the current Swine Flu pandemic, take a look at the special feature attached ... -
World Plumbing Conference 2011
Planning is under way for the 9th World Plumbing Conference which will take place in Edinburgh, Scotland from 7-11 September 2011. -
Former Vice Chairman honoured
Michael von Bock und Polach, a Vice-Chairman of the WPC from 1999-2002, is due to retire from his position as Director-General of the German contractor organisation ... -
Dane awarded 2008 WPC Lecturers’ Scholarship
Benny Wielandt of Copenhagen, Denmark has been awarded the World Plumbing Council Scholarship for 2008. -
WPC co-supports Dry Drains Forum at ISH
The Dry Drains Forum at the 2009 ISH trade fair in Frankfurt was co-supported by the World Plumbing Council, ISH and while the sponsors were ... -
World Plumbing Council looks to the future
WPC’s Executive Board arrived at a 3-year strategic plan for the organisation, designed not only to build on the achievements of the previous Board, but to ... -
ISH: Fifty years on
It’s the grand dame of plumbing exhibitions and despite tough global economic times, the 2009 ISH (International Sanitation & Heating/Air-Conditioning) Exhibition held in Frankfurt, Germany in ...