Water efficiency key to green building solutions
Water efficiency will become increasingly important to green building efforts in the US during the next five years, according to the newly released Water Use ... -
Modulo Project
A marriage of cutting-edge design, electronics and that Italian flair for doing the extraodinary produced the exotic WASHER 120 from Elleci. -
Greywater treatment and technology
A new Australian protocol aims to simplify things for manufacturers of greywater treatment technologies and increase their adoption by consumers. -
Lifecycle analysis
The term greenwash is now an integral part of the global vernacular. As 'green' products proliferate, it is important that the claims made are backed up ... -
Water saving initiatives require more public knowledge
A recent article which ran in Plumbing Connection magazine looked at water saving subsidies, the uptake of these subsidies and why so many people are yet ... -
Plumbing Supply Forum 2009 :: Post-forum review
The cream of Australia’s plumbing industry descended upon the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney, Australia for the 2009 Plumbing Supply Forum. -
Plumbing and construction should remain separate
Water saving initiatives are high on global government agendas, as the Australian spokseperson for IAPMO Stuart Henry knows first hand. -
WPC strategic plan
At its meeting in South Korea, in the latter part of 2008, the WPC’s Executive Board arrived at a three-year strategic plan for the organisation, designed ... -
WPC meets in Frankfurt
Representatives from nine countries attended a meeting in March of the World Plumbing Council, held in association with the ISH trade fair in Frankfurt, Germany. -
India introduces plumber training program
The lack of plumbing infrastructure and a trained, certified workforce has long plagued the citizens of India, for whom 7.5% of deaths each year can be ...