Author: Staff Writer
The ongoing flushable wipe debacle
Tree roots are not the only thing that gets caught up in the pipes giving drain cleaners no end of grief – flushable wipes are still ... -
AS/NZS 3500 Series update
Standards Australia is the nation’s peak non-government standards organisation with a long lasting commitment to the development of Standards in the Water and Waste Services sector. ... -
Estimating labour rates
Andy Farrell asks the question: do you know the cost of your estimating labour rate for construction work? When it comes to pricing a job it’s ... -
Australian manufacturer of pre-fabricated bathroom pods offers WaterMark certification on all products
The popularity of pre-fabricated bathroom pods is on the rise in multi-residential and commercial applications. And while offshore-built pods have caused concern within the industry, one ... -
WaterMark Point of Sale discussion paper released
By Jeff Patchell. The ABCB has released a 28-page discussion paper that outlines the pros and cons for change in regards to regulation being aligned with ... -
Rules, what rules? Amazon puts itself above Australian law
Amazon Australia appears to be off to a rocky start with the Australian plumbing sector and the law of our land. Sure, it might have sales ... -
Bigger and better in Qld
Connection Magazines managing director Jeff Patchell, Plastec founder Syd Hawthorne and Plastec business development manager Tony Mitchell. Jeff Patchell has been out visiting customers and dropped ... -
Be proud of your trade
In our recent summer edition of Plumbing Connection we launched our Plumbing Industry Infographic poster, which demonstrates this industry in a new light. This poster makes ... -
WWETT Show 2018 in Indiana
The WWETT Show – Water & Wastewater Equipment, Treatment & Transport Show – is the world’s largest annual trade show for wastewater and environmental service professionals. ... -
Aqueous instant hot water for specifiers and home owners
Australian innovator AusJ imports is introducing its latest 10L Aqueous MK2 hot water system to provide near instant hot water water for homes, commercial and recreational ...